Tuesday, February 16, 2010

EDSS disrupting class

Disrupting Class 3-2-1

Gardner’s eight intelligences and his examples, at first, seem to make learning very simple by aligning one’s stronger intelligences and aptitudes in the educational approach. Of the eight intelligences, most people only foster two or three. Researchers have produced the idea that people learn differently from one another and with each learning style. People also learn at different paces, slow, medium, fast and everything in between. So how do you as a teacher combine distinct intelligence, aptitude, and pacing? I can connect with these three points, but I must transfer the learning and understanding to the student. Individual students need customization for the way they learn. A customized program is not practical due to time and expense of individualizing a program for each student. We cannot use a “one size fits all” mentality to educate our students but we should be flexible in our strategies to align all the intelligences with the curriculum at different times, adjust pacing as needed, use resources like our students to assist the slower pace students, and present our content with a different slant. It takes a skillful teacher to combine all three challenges, but a master teacher can make it work.

The schools that have attempted to use the customized curriculum approach but because of the diversity of intelligences it is not easy to be successful. Most students are strong in two or three styles and teachers being human, probably the same. They teach in ways that are compatible with their strengths. If they connect with a student, the student will be successful. My questions are how do we hold teachers accountable to teaching with results not excuses? Gardner and others who attempted to teach multiple intelligences managed in the elementary tier of education, but failed dramatically in middle school and high schools. Why the big gap? Is it the students and parents? Is it the Unions? Do we need more monies in the school systems to operate effectively?

My thoughts are basic. I believe the teacher is responsible for the education of all the students. A master teacher must find a way to reach his or her students and they do. Every school has their champions. What is the difference between the champions’ methods and strategies? Inevitably you will find these teachers are student-centered and that opens the door to learning that matches their intelligence style. They are continually engaged and the teacher facilitates their education. These are the skills and style I would like to develop for my students and would like to learn more about.

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