Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is the most surprising thing you have seen in the classrom this semester?

What is the most surprising thing you have seen in a classroom this semester?

The two co-operating teachers that I am fortunate enough to be under their mentorship have exposed me to class discipline like I have not witnessed in any other of my many class observations. Yes, I have experienced a few observations where the teacher was in control from bell to bell and it was impressive. These two master teachers have control from the time the students enter the room until they are dismissed and follow the same philosophy. When the students enter the room, there are directions written on the board and immediately begin the activity. It is usually 3-5 essential questions that are from the previous day’s lesson. If the student begins work immediately, they get extra credit of 5 points. If they are disruptive and do not begin their work, they receive a negative 5 points. Students are very rarely disruptive.

The class guidelines and rules are set out in writing the first few weeks of school. Expectations are reviewed and procedures set up. It starts with a syllabus and goes over the content areas to be presented. The expectations are laid out, as mentioned above. Understanding how the grading works, procedures and rules of the class, including collaborative team rules and roles of participants. How to answer questions in complete sentences and use central thinking vocabulary is also presented. A lab safety contract and Biology Standards are also presented for student understanding.

All this goes into their two journals. One journal is for homework and the other for content notes and critical thinking. There are explicit directions for maintaining the journals. They are truly incredible learning tools and the creativity of the students is manifested by this student centered style of learning. The students are constantly engaged and are constantly checked for understanding. The district test scores showed over 85% of the students above basic and only 4 of 32 below basic. The test results speak for themselves, the journals can be made into texts and are incredible learning tools, and the students work continuously because these are the expectations and they are competently and confidently enforced.

I do hope to emulate this powerful student centered learning system. I will be working toward it and hope I can become a master teacher like the two I am witnessing. It was a pleasant surprise.

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