Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Management Plan

EDSS530 Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to:
Be Respectful
Be respectful of yourself, your environment, your classmates, and your teachers. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. All students want a safe and secure classroom.

Be Co-operative
Work well with your classmates. Act mature and accept others opinions and ideas openly. Act like a leader and inspire others to live to their full potential. Compliment and praise a job well done.

Be a Contributor
Be on time for class. Be in your seat before the bell rings working on assignments. Participate by completing class work when it is assigned. Work quickly and quietly on individual assignments. Work co-operatively on team assignments. Follow directions promptly and accurately. Be on task and use your time wisely.

Be Courteous
Demonstrate courtesy towards the teacher and fellow classmates by using etiquette and kindness. Speak politely to one another. Food and drinks (water is the exception) are not allowed in class room.

Be Appropriate
Remember the classroom is an academic setting and topics of conversation, comments and words should be professional in nature. Vulgar language and insults are never appropriate. Violation of this rule will result in an essay explaining why such language is unprofessional in an academic setting.

Consequences: Failure to comply with the expectations listed above will result in the following:

First Incident: Verbal or inferred physical proximity, Confiscation of disruptive materials if applicable.

Second Incident: Loss of points, classroom cleanup, redirect and reflect or other appropriate consequence.

Third Incident: Office or parent referral can occur at any time. Parents will be notified if an office referral is issued. This will occur with three missed homework assignments, three lates for class, and any other three inappropriate actions.

I will collaborate with people of strength including our peers, professors, co-operating teachers and faculty members of our school. If help is needed I will request it.


  1. Great plan Joe! Everything is clear, to the point, and the consequences are logical given the circumstances.

  2. I like your thought process Joe, the consequences as well were well thought out for the students

  3. I agree with all your classroom expectations and I believe that with your personality and passion for your subject area that you can achieve them with your students!
