Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rethinking Schools Extra credit

EDSS 530 Rethinking Schools

Creating Democratic Schools (Extra credit)

The article states democratic school culture is the best professional development. It also states very early in the article that it cannot be done with a faculty that is not convinced and involved. Teachers may want to get involved but the habits developed over the years are hard to change. The other conditions for successful endeavor is a positive environment, a small school with small classroom size, ongoing communication and updates, an empowered committee that is flexible in size and in reasoning and a timeless group that supports continuous dialogue, content and social change.
The environment becomes a key factor whether or not the conditions are present for the thoughtful teachers to work collaboratively and openly or encourages resistance, secrecy and sabotage. In creating a democratic school culture, the size of the school is important. It’s hard to turn a giant cruise liner on the ocean, but yet a small power craft is able to turn on a dime. That kind of flexibility is needed to insure the rapid adjustments to change and modifications in a democratic school culture.
The staff’s timepiece has no minutes. They must spend countless hours reviewing and developing issues of behavior, school management, and student-teacher relations. Even a seemingly minor item like wearing hats requires attention, discussions, and a decision. These changes don’t require red tape and time consuming bureaucratic deliberations. Small makes democracy and rethinking schools feasible.

EDSS 530 (Debate over differentiated pay) Extra credit

Having experienced the corporate world with major companies and being in business for one’s self you get different perspectives on compensation plans. Pay for performance or alternative compensation is rapidly becoming a debate in education. My first job was a very good job with an excellent company. The employees were paid a very fair market wage. At the end of the year we were evaluated and a raise was received based on previous year’s performance. The raises were usually from 3-7% of your salary. It became the talk around the company that why break your balls for that extra 2-3 percent. Coast and a at the end of the year your still making a good wage. Some employees can accept that philosophy, others couldn’t.
Is there a parallelism between that job and teaching? Merit pay seems to be a negative in the eyes of progressive teachers and their union activists. Younger teachers struggling can’t run up the career ladder without post graduate degrees could be outstanding teachers and not be paid what they are worth. Of course the opposite is true also, with the statistics and rankings of education in California, most of the teachers are being overpaid. Do results count? Do you link results to test scores? Some say it’s unfair. Are the changes really going to improve the learning curves? Now is a time when teacher retention is a problem and it is hard to attract and retain young teachers who feel the current pay structure is unfair because they have to wait 20 years to catch up to the pay scale of the burned out veteran down the hall. If they move they lose their seniority.
Pay modifications occurred in Florida and was done by politicians and the business community. Based on test scores, 75% of teachers in affluent communities received merit pay, yet only 3% of teachers in low income schools received merit pay. The parallelism here is the corporate world where one salesman has a great territory the other salesman has a schlock territory. That schlock territory will perform because that salesman is motivated to make money and will find a way. Those teachers in the low income areas can perform and should be paid if they find a way (that is what there are paid to do) and no pay if they don’t.
The teachers need to be involved and there are ways to compensate performance. Too many teachers are satisfied with their comfort levels as the employees in my first example and don’t want change. Performance pay structure works in the private sector where unions are not involved

Final Paper!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Management Plan

EDSS530 Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to:
Be Respectful
Be respectful of yourself, your environment, your classmates, and your teachers. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. All students want a safe and secure classroom.

Be Co-operative
Work well with your classmates. Act mature and accept others opinions and ideas openly. Act like a leader and inspire others to live to their full potential. Compliment and praise a job well done.

Be a Contributor
Be on time for class. Be in your seat before the bell rings working on assignments. Participate by completing class work when it is assigned. Work quickly and quietly on individual assignments. Work co-operatively on team assignments. Follow directions promptly and accurately. Be on task and use your time wisely.

Be Courteous
Demonstrate courtesy towards the teacher and fellow classmates by using etiquette and kindness. Speak politely to one another. Food and drinks (water is the exception) are not allowed in class room.

Be Appropriate
Remember the classroom is an academic setting and topics of conversation, comments and words should be professional in nature. Vulgar language and insults are never appropriate. Violation of this rule will result in an essay explaining why such language is unprofessional in an academic setting.

Consequences: Failure to comply with the expectations listed above will result in the following:

First Incident: Verbal or inferred physical proximity, Confiscation of disruptive materials if applicable.

Second Incident: Loss of points, classroom cleanup, redirect and reflect or other appropriate consequence.

Third Incident: Office or parent referral can occur at any time. Parents will be notified if an office referral is issued. This will occur with three missed homework assignments, three lates for class, and any other three inappropriate actions.

I will collaborate with people of strength including our peers, professors, co-operating teachers and faculty members of our school. If help is needed I will request it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

RR5 (Teacher Quality: Conversation on Quality)

The article on teacher quality sparked my interest because of the poor record in education throughout the California School System. What does it take to be a quality teacher and where do I stand and what do I to become a quality teacher?
The article was an interview with Gloria-Ladson Billings, a leader concerning education of Afro-American children. She wrote the book, The Dream Makers. In the book she asked the communities to identify good teachers and defined quality teaching. It is where you graduated from? Is it the curriculum and classes you studied? Subject area you mastered? It isn’t so, according to Gloria. Quality teaching doesn’t happen in a day. It takes time to develop. Each setting is different. Some teachers are lucky to have a pulse.
You have to understand kids, understand the community you work in, and understand concept. Teach in La Jolla and go to East San Diego and see if you make it. Settings are a factor in teaching. The good ones are not graded on their test scores, the good ones are the ones “that their students come out able to solve problems, able to make decisions, able to critically analyze their environments. If that's not happening I really don't care what your certificate says.” (Billings, “Rethinking Schools” Winter 2005 2006). Teachers get paid for results, but not the results on the standardized tests.
This information is important now as I set my goals on becoming a quality teacher. I need to know where I’m going. The activities and beliefs I undertake are what are going to make me a quality teacher.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

EDSS 530 RR4 Designing Groupwork

Chapter one defines groupwork as students working in a collaborative mode so each can participate on a clearly defined task. It is a delegation of authority that allows the students to accomplish the task in the way they think best, but yet they are held accountable. The teacher is ultimately responsible for the design and the logistics. It must be compatible with the class and work in the class environment. In my experience I found in training executives and sales staff the group design worked very well. Empowering them to do the tasks is a reflection of their motivation and creativity. It also creates a team atmosphere and a pleasant workplace environment. There is no reason this design cannot apply to a classroom.

Chapter two focuses on achieving intellectual and social goals. Students are able to assist each other in learning and foster conceptual thinking and problem solving to escape the routine of traditional education. Social skills develop and the prize is oral and language skill proficiency improves. Synergy occurs and the whole becomes greater than the parts. The teacher must be able to manage a heterogeneous classroom both academically and socially. My co-operating teachers use groupwork 60% of the time. The groups are setup with each student having a responsibility and they are held accountable to that task. The group is graded as a team so one of the group leaders is sure to have everyone on task. If someone is behind, the team helps them catch up. It is a win win arrangement for each student and the team.

Chapter three explores the problems of group work. Groups segregate and friends tend to hang out so it is best for the teacher to be in complete control and select the groups, establish roles for each student, and provide the task to be completed to be pertinent and worthwhile. Poor planning can cause an undesirable domination of some of the group members and withdrawal and remission by some others. Academic, expert, peer, and societal status of the students all impact the team and the role each plays. Expectations must be set in these areas to insure understanding that it is a team effort and this is what we are going to accomplish. If not, the problems of groupwork will be compounded. There are mixed opinions toward group work, some teachers feel it is a social activity, especially for high school students. The way they design their group activities it is. Design and implementation is so critical to the success of groupwork. If the teacher invests the time and effort to set it up properly then the results will be rewarding and beneficial to all.

For me I want to develop the skills to be efficient and effective in my implementation. Groupwork is an excellent tool to check for understanding and I need to develop a balance to evaluate each member and also provide a grade for the group. The evaluation of the effectiveness is also a concern since we may be bias in our own group efforts. My philosophy is geared to teamwork and this is a strategy I plan to pursue rigorously.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is the most surprising thing you have seen in the classrom this semester?

What is the most surprising thing you have seen in a classroom this semester?

The two co-operating teachers that I am fortunate enough to be under their mentorship have exposed me to class discipline like I have not witnessed in any other of my many class observations. Yes, I have experienced a few observations where the teacher was in control from bell to bell and it was impressive. These two master teachers have control from the time the students enter the room until they are dismissed and follow the same philosophy. When the students enter the room, there are directions written on the board and immediately begin the activity. It is usually 3-5 essential questions that are from the previous day’s lesson. If the student begins work immediately, they get extra credit of 5 points. If they are disruptive and do not begin their work, they receive a negative 5 points. Students are very rarely disruptive.

The class guidelines and rules are set out in writing the first few weeks of school. Expectations are reviewed and procedures set up. It starts with a syllabus and goes over the content areas to be presented. The expectations are laid out, as mentioned above. Understanding how the grading works, procedures and rules of the class, including collaborative team rules and roles of participants. How to answer questions in complete sentences and use central thinking vocabulary is also presented. A lab safety contract and Biology Standards are also presented for student understanding.

All this goes into their two journals. One journal is for homework and the other for content notes and critical thinking. There are explicit directions for maintaining the journals. They are truly incredible learning tools and the creativity of the students is manifested by this student centered style of learning. The students are constantly engaged and are constantly checked for understanding. The district test scores showed over 85% of the students above basic and only 4 of 32 below basic. The test results speak for themselves, the journals can be made into texts and are incredible learning tools, and the students work continuously because these are the expectations and they are competently and confidently enforced.

I do hope to emulate this powerful student centered learning system. I will be working toward it and hope I can become a master teacher like the two I am witnessing. It was a pleasant surprise.

What Makes a School Enthography "Etnnographic"

What Makes School Ethnography “Ethnographic”? 3-2-1

It has been fairly obvious that a teacher must be sensitive to the cultural and social needs of his or her students. The reading points out we conclude the school is a small community that we can apply the fundamental discourse about a social organization-person, status, role, rights, and obligations. We can construct he ground rules for working, overseeing, and participating in the confines of the boundaries of the school as its own little world. The workers are the teachers. They must become proficient in working with students with diverse background. They must have an empathy and deep understanding of the differences and develop the skills to deal with the diverse settings. What are these diverse settings? This is where the ethnographic findings provide the ethnographer’s opinions and deductions of the cultural status and processes of the school. They may be accurate or they may be skewed with built in biases. The reading compares it to an artist drawing a caricature, a lot of room for interpretation. It is not a snap shot that captures the true essence of the structure. The overseers have different eyes and see things differently. I guess that is called politics. The participants are the ones that demand the most consideration. The students bring their own biases and views to the classroom. How do we make them more aware of their beliefs and become culturally sensitive to other participants? Understanding and empathy of their lifestyle and daily circumstances are important considerations in education. Know thyself and know thy student. The rest will fall into place.

Developing that understanding is not easy. Why do some kids wear Frank Sinatra hats? Why do others dye their hair purple and green? Why do some go through the portals of education without a blip? These group interactions have an impact on the students as a group. Are any racial or ethnic? Of course there are. Do we attempt to make them heterogeneous or do we provide support individually? If we focus on student centered education, will the diversity come out in the wash? These questions may not be on the mark for ethnography but they are part of my inquiries about this reading.

Teaching is not easy if you want to be effective. Learning about all this cultural and diverse sensitivity only tends to assist and deepen education. Put some of the responsibility on the student. Hold him accountable for his assignments, homework, and social responsibilities. They know what is up and what is down and will take advantage if allowed. Am I right in saying keep a firm hand on the wheel and keep steering them in the direction of the twenty first century?